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The US Family Health Plans treat TRICARE patients in various areas of the country, defined by zip codes.
Care is provided through large local civilian health care networks of primary care physicians, hospitals and affiliated specialists. Patients choose a primary care physician who provides and coordinates care and referrals to specialists and hospitals. The US Family Health Plans offer an outstanding program of healthcare and wellness management built on a foundation of leading edge healthcare techniques, wellness rather than disease management, an understanding of what it means to be a member of the military family, and unsurpassed commitment to our members.
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The five Alliance US Family Health Plans and their service areas
- US Family Health Plan of Southern New England (Brighton Marine)—Serving Massachusetts, Rhode Island, parts of Southern New Hampshire and Northern Connecticut ;
- Christus Health—Serving Houston, TX San Antonio, TX Leesville, LA and Lake Charles, LA
- Martin’s Point Health Care—Serving Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Upstate and Western New York, and parts of Pennsylvania and Ohio.
- Pacific Medical Center—Serving Western Washington, most of Central and Eastern Washington, Northern Idaho, Western Oregon, and most of California
- USFHP@SVCMC,Inc—Serving New Jersey, Western CT, Lower Hudson Valley, NYC including Nassau and Suffolk counties, and Pennsylvania.